

My perspectives on the human experience


  • Psych2Go youtube channel

    I find myself recommending this youtube channel more than any other, especially when it comes to learning to identify when you are in a relationship with a narcissist or sociopath.

  • Attached: The New Science of Adult Relationships

    This book is the absolute essential starting place for attachment theory and how it applies to ALL relationships. I have given this book to every family member and I find the self-assessment quizes a great starting point to introducing my client's to their own attachment styles as well as speculating their partner's.

  • Everybody podcast

    This was recommended to me as a resource for overcoming body image issues, I am in the process of checking it out. Stay tuned.

  • Seeing White Podcast

    The absolute best orientation to the issue of race in America.  A must-listen for all mature audiences.

Whole Body, Whole Mind, Whole Spirit.

  • What does L-Theanine have to do with mental health?

    These articles are a good starting point to empowering yourself, but as always, consult with your medical doctor and/or psychiatrist about taking suppliments that effect your mood.

  • What is GABA and what does it have to do with my mental health?

    These articles are a good starting point to empowering yourself, but as always, consult with your medical doctor and/or psychiatrist about taking suppliments that effect your mood.

  • Why all the fuss about a Higher Power?

    There are numerous theories about why over 85% of the world has some sort of belief in a higher power. Some theorize that our brains are wired for it. There is not evidence to prove this outright but it makes sense to me. 

    The "Spirit Molecule", DMT, with a Netflix documentary by the same name, is a neurochemical that is released at birth, death, taking ayahuasca or synthetic DMT, and during a profound spiritual experience. The people who report their DMT experience characterize it as a dissolution of the ego self and a sense of connection to all that is, or oneness. Plants have free flowing DMT (see the book, Plant Spirit Medicine, by Elliot Cowhan). So it does seem our brains are wired for spirituality but what about a Higher Power, or something Greater than ourselves? 

    Us humans have a shared, innate experience of an ego. Our egos make us, well, us/individuals. It is an essential and inextricable part of our psyche. You may have been exposed to the ego's bad reputation because of what can hapen when a person's ego is out of balance with the rest of the psyche. Egotistical is a word we use to describe this phenomenon but there are MANY others. The ego is dead-set on having CONTROL. When this need is ungoverned, it can wreak havoc on the entire psyche and everyone around the individual afflicted. 

    I theorize that a higher power is very thing that governs this tendency of the ego to help it stay in balance with the whole. Trusting that a power greater than ourselvs is in some type of control helps to relax our anxieties and attempt to fill that space ourselves (which we can't do anyway but try telling that to an ungoverned ego). 

    Now, I feel it important to mention that people who believe in a higher power are NOT exempt from having huge egos and being 'control-freaks.' There are many other factors that are at play in those states of the psyche. However, I have seen with my own eyes how people's anxieties and neuroses have greatly lessened when they begin to EXPLORE what a higher power means to them. I emphasize explore because a higher power does not only mean God. A higher power, to an athiest, could be the laws of physics. A higher power to an abuse survivor could be Love.  It really can be a unique personal relationship, that is yours and its and no one else's.

  • Going outside is not going to solve all my problems, is it?

    Short answer, no. and yes.

    I do not subscribe to any one thing 'solving' all of anyones problems and if anyone tries to tell you that, they are probably trying to sell you something. Going outside more is a good place to start trying to improve your life, though. The studies on earthing are very compelling, see for yourself:

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